If you are considering professional teeth whitening in 95125, Almadensmiles Dentistry is the dentist to trust. With years of experience and training, he can help restore and improve your smile in a comfortable and effective manner. Call our office today to schedule an appointment and learn more about our professional teeth whitening services!

Professional teeth whitening treatments in 95125

If you suffer from tooth discoloration, our dentist in 95125 may recommend professional whitening treatments to restore your sparkling white smile. Our dentists in 95125 offer in-office whitening procedures that can be performed in just one visit to the dentist’s office. These procedures can provide more visible results than over-the-counter whitening products. 

Professional teeth whitening treatments in 95125 are more effective than over-the-counter teeth whitening products. Patients should avoid consuming food and drink that can stain teeth after their whitening session. For example, acidic fruits like lemons and grapefruit should be avoided, as well as beverages such as coffee, black tea, red wine, and dark sodas. Tobacco use should also be stopped before treatment to prevent tooth discoloration. Most patients will experience some sensitivity during and shortly after their treatment. This usually resolves quickly after the treatment is finished. Talk to your dentist about the best options for you if you are nervous about the side effects.

Benefits of professional teeth whitening treatments in 95125

Professional teeth whitening treatments in 95125 are much more effective and longer-lasting than over-the-counter whitening products, which can be incredibly messy to apply. A store-bought whitening kit can take weeks to produce noticeable results, while a professional treatment can produce results in as little as one visit.

Professional whitening in 95125 is also much safer for your teeth. Over-the-counter whitening kits can lead to tooth sensitivity and even enamel damage. Your dentists will use the highest-quality materials and will deliver the treatment carefully to avoid causing damage to your teeth.

If you’re looking to enhance your smile for an upcoming special event or simply want to maintain a bright, white smile, talk to your dentist about professional teeth whitening services. Schedule a consultation with one of our experienced dentists in 95125 today!

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San Jose, CA

6541 Crown Blvd #G, San Jose, CA 95120

Email: admin@almadensmiles.com

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(408) 268-4161