
A guide for parents’s when their child needs dental care

The American Dental Association recommends that children see a dentist by their first birthday or within six months of their first tooth eruption, whichever happens first. Although this may seem early, it is the best time for your child’s first visit for many reasons. It is important to make sure your child gets the proper dental care early on so that they may have healthy smiles for the rest of their life. Here are a few reasons why pediatric dental care is important.

Dental care for infants is extremely important because their teeth are growing and developing and need to have proper care and attention during this important time. Your child should see the dentist for regular cleanings and checkups so any issues with their teeth can be caught and treated before they become major concerns. Additionally, regular visits will allow your child to get used to the dental office environment and learn that going to the dentist is nothing to worry about. This will help them grow up to be comfortable at the dentist’s office.

By starting your child on a good oral care routine at a young age, you can help them develop good oral hygiene habits that will serve them well into their adult years. To help your children stay on top of their oral care at home, you can assist by brushing and flossing for them until they are able to do it properly on their own. You can also encourage healthy eating habits and limit sugary snacks and drinks in their diet. Starting these healthy habits from a young age is the best way to ensure your kids will have a healthy smile for the rest of their lives.

Regular visits to the dentist can also help to prevent cavities and ensure your child is on the right track to having a healthy mouth throughout their life. Cavities can cause pain and lead to more serious oral health issues if left untreated for too long. Protecting your child from cavities and other oral health problems will help ensure that they have a smile they can be proud of. Contact our office today if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment for your child to come in for their visit. We look forward to serving you and your entire family!

- Dr. Jennifer Martinez


Dental care for children with special needs

Children with special needs typically have unique healthcare needs, including dental care. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that all children receive routine professional cleanings and exams twice a year. However, a child with special needs may require more frequent care. Many dentists provide sedation dentistry services for special needs children. This allows more thorough dental treatments to be completed without the child being overwhelmed or in pain.

Parents should speak with their family doctor about possible referral to a dentist who specializes in the treatment of children. This will allow for comprehensive and coordinated health care planning for the child. A pediatric dentist will conduct an oral exam of teeth and surrounding structures. The dentist will also clean the teeth and apply preventative treatments as needed. If treatment is recommended by the dentist, the doctor will provide a referral to an orthodontist who will address any possible orthodontic issues. A child with special needs requires regular dental care to ensure healthy teeth and gums that function well for a lifetime.

If your child is in need of specialized dental care, call your family doctor or dentist to schedule an appointment today. Smiles for Life Dental Care offers comprehensive dental care for children facing a variety of health challenges. We will work with your family to create a treatment plan that meets your child’s individual needs and goals. Contact us today to learn more about available services for your child. We look forward to helping your family enjoy a lifetime of good oral health.

*The views and opinions expressed in this article are purely those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of Smiles For Life Dental Care and its affiliates. Examples of analysis performed within this article are only examples. They should not be utilized in real-world analytic products as they are based only on the limited dataset used within this study. Assumptions made within the analysis are not reflective of the position of Smiles For Life Dental Care

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